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Aisle B (Major Theories): Classical Theories (BA) | Org. Behavior – Individual (BB1) | Org. Behavior – Groups & Teams (BB2) | Org. Behavior – Systems & Culture (BB3) | Contingency Theories (BC) | Org. Design (BD) | Org. Development & Change (BG) | Human Relations Theories (BH) | Institution Theories (BI) | Leadership Theories (BL) | Modern Management Perspectives (BM) | Postmodern & Critical Theories (BQ) | Sociology & Anthropology (BS)
Rack BB2 (Groups & Teams): Group Relations (BB2.G) | Social Identity Theory | Team Roles | Conflict & Other Dysfunctions
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What is Organizational Behavior (OB) and Where Does the Behavior of Groups and Teams Fit?
Organizational Behavior (OB) is a broad interdisciplinary field that explores how people interact within organizational settings. It examines the behavior of individuals and groups within organizational contexts and draws from multiple disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, and management science, to understand how people think, feel, and act in workplace environments.
Because many of the classic texts we cover fall under OB’s broad umbrella, we saw fit to divide our episodes by levels of analysis. This rack contains resources devoted to understanding OB at the group and team (meso) level while other racks cover the individual (micro) level and organization-system (macro) level.
The fundamental meso-level question is how do individuals come together to form groups, whether it is in formal ways like divisions or branches or less formal or temporary ways such as work groups or just regular get-togethers in the cafeteria. Meso-level OB scholars are interesting in team formation and development, patterns of communication, emergent forms of leadership, conflict and conflict resolution mechanisms, and collaborative or competitive behaviors. Put another way, one can think of OB-meso as the study of how groups and teams undergo forming, storming, norming, and performing (see Tuckman’s model below)!
Some (and only some) of the practical questions that OB studies at the meso-level might help answer include the following: What are the enablers and barriers to effective group work? How can organizations set conditions to effectively reduce or mitigate conflict? How conducive is the organization’s climate toward work performance? How is group cohesion influenced by remote or hybrid work or other digital transformations? How do personalities at the individual level influence team dynamics?
What are Some OB Theories at Meso Level?
This is a short list of seminal theories clustered by themes. This is not to be interpreted as a comprehensive list, nor is it implied that we endorse them. Rather this list constitutes a set of representative theories that are well-known and represent meso-level concerns. Several of these have already been covered in this program (Episodes are linked and also available in the resources below). Some meso-level theories will be found in Rack BH (Human Dimension) including organizational culture and identity.
How Individuals Identify and Join Groups. Developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner, social identity theory (SIT) explains how group membership shapes individual identity and behavior (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Under SIT, workplaces are complex social ecosystems where people naturally categorize themselves and others into groups. SIT reveals how people derive part of their self-concept from group memberships, how individuals tend to favor their own group (i.e., in-group) and potentially discriminate against other groups (i.e., out-groups), and how group identification can significantly influence motivation, commitment, and performance.
Of course, having in-groups and out-groups can lead to difficulties. One theory related to this is Irving Janis’ (1972) construct of groupthink, a dangerous psychological phenomenon where group cohesion leads to poor decision-making. Some characteristics of groupthink, according to this theory, include illusions of invulnerability, collective rationalization, beliefs in moral superiority, direct pressures placed on dissenters, self-censorship, illusions of unanimity, and mind guards who protect the group from negative information. This theory highlights the importance of psychological safety and diverse perspectives in team settings.
Development and Roles of Teams/Groups. Bruce Tuckman (1965) proposed a classic framework for team formation and evolution that includes the following stages of team development: forming or initial group formation, storming or the onset of conflict and competition as individuals establish their roles and places within the group, norming where the group develops cohesion and stabilizes working relationships, performing where the team becomes fully functional, collaborative, and productive, and finally adjourning where the team disbands or transitions to some other purpose.
Meanwhile, Meredith Belbin (1981) identified nine distinct team roles, divided into three groups that contribute to team success. Action-Oriented Roles include shapers (challenges the team, drives progress), implementers (turns ideas into practical actions), and completers-finishers: Ensures detailed work is completed. Thinking Roles includes plants (creative innovators), monitor-evaluators (provides critical, analytical perspective), and specialists (brings deep expertise). Finally, the People-Oriented Roles capture coordinators (who manage team direction and goals), team workers (who provides support and harmony) and resource investigators (who explore external opportunities)
Power and Conflict. Theories of power, such as French and Raven’s (1959) bases of power, explore how different forms of power influence relationships and decision-making within teams and organizations. The original five bases of power are coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert; Raven (1965) added informational power as a sixth. Each of these bases of power reflects capabilities for influence that one person has over another, such as reward power reflecting how one individual’s ability to provide rewards can influence others to exhibit behaviors that increase their opportunities or chances of gaining those rewards.
Intragroup conflict has been studied for a long time. Among the earliest works to develop a distinct conflict theory is Pondy (1967) that proposed three different categories — bargaining conflict, bureaucratic conflict, and systems conflict — corresponding to three different relationships between the conflicting parties. Pondy also identified a dramaturgical sequence of events that reflect the evolution of the conflict — latency, feeling, perception, manifestation, and aftermath.
Contemporary Research Areas
Meso-level OB research is highly active and there are many practical applications and concerns, including some of the “hot topics” in Aisle C.
The Diversity and Inclusion Ecosystem. Also see Rack CI. Moving beyond surface-level diversity initiatives, contemporary research in this area takes a sophisticated, multilayered approach to understanding organizational inclusivity. Studies have shown that diversity within teams can enhance creativity and problem-solving capabilities, but it may also lead to conflict if not managed effectively (Mannix & Neale, 2005). Understanding the factors that contribute to effective teamwork is useful for organizations seeking to optimize performance and foster collaboration among team members. Researchers are developing nuanced frameworks that recognize the complex, interconnected nature of identity and organizational dynamics, moving beyond simplistic representation metrics (Nishii & Leroy 2022). At the meso-level, there is a lot of focus on team conflict and its resolution, intersectionality as a critical lens for understanding workplace experiences, psychological safety and its relationship to inclusive organizational cultures, and phenomena such as tokenism (see Episode 17).
Relational Dynamics. Interprofessional collaboration has emerged as a significant area of study at the meso level, particularly in healthcare and other sectors. Research indicates that effective teamwork among diverse professionals can lead to improved outcomes and enhanced patient care (Mulvale, et al., 2016). Theories of collaboration emphasize the importance of communication, trust, and shared goals in fostering successful interprofessional relationships (Gilpin & Miller, 2013). Understanding the dynamics of interprofessional collaboration is essential for organizations aiming to improve service delivery and enhance team performance.
Organizational Innovation. Also see Rack BG. One of the most prominent areas of research at the meso level explores how organizations adapt to internal and external pressures, emphasizing the processes and outcomes of change initiatives. For example, Milella et al. (2021) discuss the importance of adopting a multi-level approach to organizational change, integrating micro and macro perspectives to understand how change affects various organizational outcomes. This research underscores the need for organizations to foster a culture of innovation and adaptability to thrive in dynamic environments.
Ethical Conduct, Trust, and Integrity in Groups. Researchers are exploring the ethical dimensions of organizational behavior with increasing sophistication to include ethical decision-making processes, leadership integrity and trust mechanisms, and addressing antecedents to unethical behaviors such as committing fraud or petty criminal activities in the workplace. Studies have shown that ethical decision-making is influenced by various factors, including organizational culture, individual values, and situational contexts. For instance, Men et al. (2024) highlights the impact of socially responsible human resource management on unethical behavior, suggesting that ethical frameworks within organizations can shape employees’ moral choices.
The role of leadership in shaping ethical behavior within organizations is also being pursued. Recent research indicates that ethical leadership significantly influences employee behavior and organizational culture. Moore et al. (2019) discusses how ethical leaders can shape employee moral cognition and reduce misconduct by fostering an environment of trust and integrity, while Khor (2020) studies values-based leadership whereby leaders uphold and communicate ethical standards consistently to discourage unethical behavior among employees. But to what extent institutionalized pressures that encourage unethical conduct overcome efforts to institute an ethical climate? One area of research covers moral collapse — a phenomenon whereby ethical conduct becomes deeply disincentivized (Shadnam & Lawrence, 2011).
Related TAOP Episodes, Events, and Notes
112: Hierarchies & Promotion – The “Peter Principle”
94: Situated Learning – Lave & Wenger
89: Administrative Behavior in Public Sector — Herbert Kaufman
88: Social Defenses Against Anxiety — Isabel Menzies
68: Globalization and Culture Clashes — “American Factory” (Documentary)
55: Group Dynamics and Foundations of Organizational Change – Kurt Lewin
53: Taylorism in Motion — Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times
45: Fate of Whistleblowers – C. Fred Alford
35: The Managed Heart – Arlie Hochschild
Reflections on Wieliczka
32: Organizational Stupidity with Mats Alvesson and Bjorn Erik Mork LIVE
30: Corporate Culturalism — Hugh Willmott
28: Organizations as Rhetoric — Mats Alvesson
25: Competitive Groups as Cognitive Communities — Joseph Porac
24: Learning by Knowledge-Intensive Firms — Bill Starbuck
20: High Reliability in Practice – USN Rear Admiral Tom Mercer
10: Twelve Angry Men (1957) – Directed by Sidney Lumet
4: Carnegie Mellon Series #1 – Organizational Routines
Related Resource Pages
Rack BA — Classic Organization and Management Theory
Rack BB1 – Organizational Behavior (Micro-Individual)
Rack BB2 — Organizational Behavior (Meso-Groups and Teams)
Rack BB3 — Organizational Behavior (Macro-Org/System)
Rack BC — Contingency Theory
Rack BD — Organizational Design
Rack BG — Organizational Development and Change
Rack BH – Human Dimension – Culture, Climate, Identity
Rack BI — Institution Theory
Rack BL — Leadership Theories
Rack BM – Modern Management Theories
Rack BQ — Postmodern and Critical Theories
Rack BS — Sociology & Anthropology
Belbin, M. (1981). Management teams. London: Heinemann.
French, J. R. P. & Raven, B. H. (1959). The Bases of social power. In Cartwright, D (ed.). Studies in social power. Ann Arbor, MI: Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, 150–167.
Gilpin, D. R., & Miller, N. K. (2013). Exploring complex organizational communities: Identity as emergent perceptions, boundaries, and relationships. Communication Theory, 23(2), 148-169.
Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink: A psychological study of foreign-policy decisions and fiascoes. Houghton Mifflin.
Mannix, E., & Neale, M. A. (2005). What differences make a difference? The promise and reality of diverse teams in organizations. Psychological science in the public interest, 6(2), 31-55.
Milella, F., Minelli, E. A., Strozzi, F., & Croce, D. (2021). Change and innovation in healthcare: findings from literature. ClinicoEconomics and outcomes research, 395-408.
Mulvale, G., Embrett, M., & Razavi, S. D. (2016). ‘Gearing Up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: A systematic review and conceptual framework. BMC family practice, 17, 1-13.
Nishii, L. H., & Leroy, H. (2022). A multi-level framework of inclusive leadership in organizations. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 683-722.
Pondy, L. R. (1967). Organizational conflict: Concepts and models. Administrative science quarterly, 12(2), 296-320.
Raven, B. H. (1965). Social influence and power. In Steiner, I D & Fishbein, M. (eds.), Current studies in social psychology (pp. 371-382). New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Scite. (2024). What are the major theoretical streams in organizational behavior at the meso level; What is the foundational theory about conflict in teams or groups within organizational settings; What are the top five contemporary areas of research into the meso-level of organizational behavior; What research is ongoing regarding ethical dimensions of organizational behavior with increasing sophistication to include ethical decision-making processes, leadership integrity and trust mechanisms, and addressing antecedents to unethical behaviors such as committing fraud or petty criminal activities in the workplace. Scite (April 2024 version) [Large Language Model].
Shadnam, M., & Lawrence, T. B. (2011). Understanding widespread misconduct in organizations: An institutional theory of moral collapse. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(3), 379-407.
Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1979). An integrative theory of inter-group conflict. In W. G. Austin & S. Worchel (Eds.), The social psychology of inter-group relations (pp. 33–47). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Tuckman, B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin. 63(6), 384–399.
The inclusion of external links is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute endorsement by TAOP or any of its members.
Jump to: Importance | Theories | Research Areas | TAOP Episodes | References
Rack BB2 (Groups & Teams): Group Relations (BB2.G) | Social Identity Theory | Team Roles | Conflict & Other Dysfunctions
Aisle B (Major Theories): Classical Theories (BA) | Org. Behavior – Individual (BB1) | Org. Behavior – Groups & Teams (BB2) | Org. Behavior – Systems & Culture (BB3) | Contingency Theories (BC) | Org. Design (BD) | Org. Development & Change (BG) | Human Relations Theories (BH) | Institution Theories (BI) | Leadership Theories (BL) | Modern Management Perspectives (BM) | Postmodern & Critical Theories (BQ) | Sociology & Anthropology (BS)
Resources: Main Page | Research Methods (A) | Major Theories (B) | Issues and Contemporary Topics (C) | Professional Community (D)