The TAOP Symposium on the Gig Economy was a unique, one-day interdisciplinary symposium on the forms and effects of management in the contemporary sharing (a.k.a. gig) economy that took place on 15 December 2017 at the University of Sussex. Blending individual and panel presentations from leading scholars and commentators with group conversations, we wanted to examine the continuities – as well as disruptions – in the ways that work is organised through, and in light of, online platforms such as uber, deliveroo, upwork.
The aim of the symposium was to advance understanding of the sharing economy, with particular attention to its relation to the classics in management and organizational scholarship; as well as to explore methods suitable to grasp the sharing economy as an object of inquiry.
We are extremely pleased with all the wonderful feedback received from the delegates, as well as with developmental feedback – thank you all so much! Reflecting on the original goals of the symposium, it seems that our ambition to hold three types of conversation in one day was perhaps too ambitious. The keynote, panels and all the panelists were amazing, but did not leave as much space for open discourse as we had envisioned. Still, the conversations we did witness and take part in were phenomenal and it really was rewarding to engage with such a diverse group of first-class (Taylor pun intended) scholars.
You may also download the audio files here:Â Â Part 1Â |Â Part 2Â |Â Part 3