All Episodes

Talking About Organizations Podcast (TAOP)

“Episodes” are numbered releases that typically include two or three “parts” — open conversations about a classic reading or topic — a “supplement” or “summary” of just a few minutes as an episode teaser, and maybe an extra of some kind. All releases within an episode are on the same blog post via a playlist in the middle of the post. If there is a supplement or summary, it will also be available in the title area.

123: Markets as Politics -- Neil Fligstein
121: Rhetoric vs. Reality -- Mark Zbaracki
120: Institutional Isomorphism -- DiMaggio & Powell
119: Management & the Worker -- Roethlisberger & Dickson
118: Organizational Structures & Digital Technologies – AoM 2024 Symposium
117: Economic Sociology & Valuation – Marion Fourcade
116: Resource Dependence Perspective -- Pfeffer & Salancik
115: Sociology of Science -- Robert K. Merton
114: Sociotechnical Systems -- Trist & Bamforth (revisited)
113: Sports & Gender - "A League of Their Own"
112: Hierarchies & Promotion - The "Peter Principle"
111: Visible & Invisible Work - Susan Leigh Star
110: Organizations and Law – Lauren Edelman
109: Emergence of Mental Health Professions - Abbott
108: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Goffman
107: Institutionalized Rules and Formal Structures -- Meyer & Rowan
106: The Study of Organizations Across Disciplines
105: Manifest & Latent Roles -- Alvin Gouldner
104: Social Structure & Organizations -- Stinchcombe
103: Bringing Work Back In -- Barley & Kunda
102: Executive Leadership -- Sloan's "My Years at General Motors"
101: The Motivation to Work -- Frederick Herzberg
100: Special Episode -- The State of Organization Studies
99: Gendering in Organizations -- Joan Acker
98: Managing Innovation -- Burns & Stalker
97: Social Change and Organization – Invictus (2009 movie)
96: Informating at Work – Shoshana Zuboff
95: Labor-Management Relations – Tom Lupton
94: Situated Learning – Lave & Wenger
93: Approaches to the Study of Work -- Classics AoM PDW LIVE
92: Organizational Secrecy -- Case of the Manhattan Project
91: Constructive Conflict - Mary Parker Follett
90: Organizations in Action - James Thompson
89: Administrative Behavior in Public Sector -- Herbert Kaufman
88: Social Defenses Against Anxiety -- Isabel Menzies
87: The Art of War (and Management?) -- Sun Tzu
86: Networks and Network Theory -- Mark Granovetter
85: Carnegie-Mellon Series #6 -- Organizations
84: Professionalizing Business -- Louis Brandeis
83: Organizational Design -- Jay Galbraith
82: Women of Organizational Scholarship -- Classics AoM PDW LIVE
81: Diversity and Inclusion -- EGOS 2021 Special LIVE
80: Management Theory & Practice -- Sumantra Ghoshal
79: Labor Relations – Jane Addams
78: Patterns of Bureaucracy -- Alvin Gouldner
77: Job Design - Hackman & Oldham
76: Comparative Analysis of Organizations – Charles Perrow
75: Institutionalization – Philip Selznick
74: Emergence of Middle Management -- Alfred Chandler
73: Organizing Innovation -- Michael Tushman
72: Organizational Diagnosis -- Marvin Weisbord
71: Managerial Behavior -- Melville Dalton
70: Epistemic Coloniality in Latin America - Eduardo Ibarra-Colado
69: Our 5th Anniversary Special!
68: Globalization and Culture Clashes -- "American Factory" (Documentary)
67: Professions & Professionalism -- Andrew Abbott
66: Workplace Isolation - Forester
65: Organizational Structure -- The Aston School
64: Disasters and Crisis Management - Powley and Weick
63: Remote Operations -- The Hudson's Bay Company
62: Consumerism & Meaning at Work -- WALL-E
61: Power & Influence in Organizations -- Dan Brass
60: Contingency Theory -- Joan Woodward
59: Theory X and Y - Douglas McGregor
58: Contingency Approach - AOM 2019 Workshop LIVE
57: Reward Systems - Steven Kerr
56: Cooperative Advantage - Charles Clinton Spaulding
55: Group Dynamics and Foundations of Organizational Change - Kurt Lewin
54: Measuring Organizational Cultures - Hofstede
53: Taylorism in Motion -- Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times
52: Management in Practice - Rosemary Stewart
51: The Tyranny of Light -- Hari Tsoukas
50: Celebrating 50 Episodes! What Have We Learned?
49: Engineered Culture and Normative Control - Gideon Kunda
48: Stratified Systems Theory -- Elliott Jaques
47: Organizational Identity -- Albert & Whetten
46: Classics of Management and Organization Theory - AoM 2018 Workshop LIVE
45: Fate of Whistleblowers - C. Fred Alford
44: Transaction Costs and Boundaries of the Firm - Williamson and Malone
43: Centralization/Decentralization Debate - The Federalist Papers
42: Carnegie Mellon Series #5 - Organizational Learning
41: Images of Organization - Gareth Morgan
40: Symposium on the Gig Economy LIVE
39: Carnegie Mellon Series #4 - Organizational Choice
38: Socialization and Occupational Communities - Van Maanen
37: Socrates on Management - Oeconomicus by Xenophon
36: The Human Capital Hoax - Employment in the Gig Economy
35: The Managed Heart - Arlie Hochschild
34: Sociotechnical Systems - Trist and Bamforth
33: Foreman - Master and Victim of Doubletalk
32: Organizational Stupidity with Mats Alvesson and Bjorn Erik Mork LIVE
31: Process Studies, PROS and Institutional Theory LIVE
30: Corporate Culturalism -- Hugh Willmott
29: Carnegie Mellon Series #3 - Designing Business Schools -- Herb Simon
28: Organizations as Rhetoric -- Mats Alvesson
26: Enacted Sensemaking in Crisis Situations -- Karl Weick
25: Competitive Groups as Cognitive Communities -- Joseph Porac
24: Learning by Knowledge-Intensive Firms -- Bill Starbuck
23: Influence of Institutions and Factor Markets -- Mike Wright
22: Human-Machine Reconfigurations - Lucy Suchman
21: Small Research, Big Issues with Brian Pentland and Katharina Dittrich LIVE
20: High Reliability in Practice - USN Rear Admiral Tom Mercer
19: Carnegie Mellon Series #2 - Exploration and Exploitation of Knowledge
18: Gig Economy, Labor Relations and Algorithmic Management
17: Tokenism - Rosabeth Moss Kanter
16: Contingency Theory - Lawrence and Lorsch
15: Doing Interesting Research with Jorgen Sandberg LIVE
14: Simply Managing, by Henry Mintzberg
13: Banana Time - Donald Roy
12: On the Value of Conferences -- Emma Bell and Paul Duguid LIVE
11: Culture and High Reliability - Bierly and Spender
10: Twelve Angry Men (1957) - Directed by Sidney Lumet
9: Hawthorne Studies - Elton Mayo
8: The Ends of Men - Chester Barnard
7: Phases of Cooperation - Chester Barnard
6: Bureaucracy - Max Weber
5: The Law of the Situation - Mary Parker Follett
4: Carnegie Mellon Series #1 - Organizational Routines
3: Theory of Human Motivation - Abraham Maslow
2: General and Industrial Management - H. Fayol's Theory of Administration
1: Principles of Scientific Management - F.W. Taylor's One Best Way