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What is Institution Theory and Why is it Important?
The idea that there was no “one best way” to organize across all contexts, a direct challenge to the ideas of Taylorism and scientific management, goes way back to the works of Mary Parker Follett (Metcalf & Urwick, 1943; see Episodes 5 on the “Law of the Situation” and 91). But it would take formal shape through the emergence of the open systems perspective, including the works of Lawrence and Lorsch.
Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch were among the earliest scholars looking at the relationship between organizational characteristics and their environment, and stipulate that an organization’s economic performance is determined by its ability to meet integration and differentiation requirements according to their environment. (we covered one of their papers in Episode 16). Important figures in the field of management and organizational studies, their collaboration produced important works including the award winning book Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration (1967) and a series of papers which advance an open systems perspective on organizations. Their work led to the so-called contingency school that viewed the optimum structuring of work depending (i.e., is “contingent”) on the external and local conditions in which an organization is inserted.Other later works on firm behavior, such as Pettigrew (1987, see Episode 27), would derive similar conclusions.
The benefits of contingency theory in practice are many, and we include just a few examples here. One is the ability to account for environmental, cultural, technological, and situational factors. It suggests that these variables directly impact how an organization should be structured and how it operates. For instance, what works for a startup may not work for a large multinational corporation, and this theory helps in recognizing such differences. Another is the need for organizations to be flexible and adaptable to changing conditions (also see Rack CA). This adaptability is crucial in a rapidly changing world where organizations navigate various dynamic and diverse challenges and opportunities. Finally, there are implications for leaders who should align their organizations with contextual factors, such as the nature of the task, the maturity of the team, or the organizational culture. For example, a more authoritarian leadership style may work in crisis situations, while a participative style may be better for creative, collaborative teams.
Some Leading Contingency Theories & Concepts
Institution theory has become very broad. Various literature streams have emerged that focus on how institutions form, change, and disappear, along with how organizations and industries respond to these dynamics. This has helped with guiding researchers toward feasible and defensible projects. Here is a sample of some of these streams — it is not intended as a comprehensive list, suggestions for additions are welcome.
Old Institutionalism. This stream focuses on the historical and sociological aspects of institutions. It emphasizes the role of institutions in shaping social behavior and the importance of understanding the historical context in which institutions develop. Scholars like Thorstein Veblen and John R. Commons contributed to this perspective by examining how institutions evolve over time and influence economic behavior (Bisultanova, 2023).
New Institutionalism. This is a broad literature stream that pioneered by the likes of Philip Selznick (see Episode 75) in the mid-20th century and then developed and formalized through the works of John Meyer, Brian Rowan (see Episode 107), Paul DiMaggio, and Walter Powell (see Episode 120), W. Richard Scott, and many others. This stream fundamentally transformed scholarly understanding of organizations by highlighting how they are shaped by cultural and social pressures rather than just technical demands. They introduced the crucial concept of institutional isomorphism (see Episode 120) – the tendency of organizations in a field to become more similar over time through three mechanisms: coercive pressures (from regulators and powerful organizations), mimetic pressures (copying successful peers when facing uncertainty), and normative pressures (from professional standards and education) (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983).
Institutional Work Perspective. This stream was developed by Thomas Lawrence, Roy Suddaby, and others. It shifted attention to how individuals and organizations actively shape institutions. This stream examines how actors create, maintain, and disrupt institutions through daily practices and strategic actions. For example, institutional work scholars study how professionals establish new practices as legitimate, how organizations maintain their status in fields, or how activists challenge existing institutional arrangements.
Institutional Logics Perspective. This stream is associated with Patricia Thornton, William Ocasio, Roger Friedland and others who explore how different belief systems and organizing principles shape behavior. This perspective also parallels institution theory as applied in political science (highlight some of the works) in which there are several logics discussed in the literature – the market logic of efficiency, the state logic of equality of access and treatment, the professional logic of competency and effectiveness, plus the corporation, the family, and religions (Friedland & Alford, 1991). Research in this stream pursues understanding of how organizations navigate multiple, often competing logics along with the organizational responses to institutional complexity and hybrid organizations that combine different logics.
The “Scandinavian Institutionalism stream”. This can be viewed as a substream of the Institutional Work Perpsective based on what Boxenbaum & Pedersen (2009) term a “particular Scandinavian approach to organization studies” that is a “distinctive and identifiable variant of institutionalism” due its emphasis on organizational variation and distinctiveness rather than isomorphism and standardization. This helps explain why seemingly similar practices can look quite different across organizations and countries. A short list of scholars associated with this stream include Barbara Czarniawska, Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson, Lars Engvall, and Kristian Kreiner.
The “World Society Theory” stream. This stream is associated with John Meyer (2010) and his colleagues at Stanford. It examines how global cultural models shape organizations and nation-states worldwide. They demonstrate how educational systems, environmental policies, and human rights practices become remarkably similar across countries through global institutional pressures, even when these practices might not fit local conditions well.
Contemporary Research Areas
Institution theory research is highly active and there are many practical applications and concerns, with some of these also referenced in the contemporary topics in Aisle C.
Institutional Change. Institutional theorists have become increasingly interested in institutional change. While early work focused on how institutions create stability and conformity, contemporary research examines how institutions change and how organizations can innovate while maintaining legitimacy — for example, institutional entrepreneurship theory (e.g., Hoogstraaten, Frenken, & Boon, 2020; Garud et al., 2013). This has led to rich studies of institutional entrepreneurship and institutional change processes.
Organizational Response to Institutional Pressures. Scholars have also developed more sophisticated understandings of how organizations respond to institutional pressures. Rather than seeing organizations as passive recipients of institutional pressures, research now examines strategic responses ranging from compliance to defiance, and how organizations might selectively couple with institutions – adopting their formal structures while maintaining different internal practices (e.g., Pache & Santos, 2010; Holm et al., 2017).
Related TAOP Episodes, Events, and Notes
104: Social Structure & Organizations — Stinchcombe
91: Constructive Conflict – Mary Parker Follett
90: Organizations in Action – James Thompson
60: Contingency Theory — Joan Woodward
58: Contingency Approach – AOM 2019 Workshop LIVE
16: Contingency Theory – Lawrence and Lorsch
14: Simply Managing, by Henry Mintzberg
A Letter About Mary Parker Follett
5: The Law of the Situation – Mary Parker Follett
Available Resource Pages
Aisle B – Major Theoretical Perspectives and Schools
Emotions in Organizations
Gender and Feminism
Group Relations
Rack BA — Classic Organization and Management Theory
Rack BB1 – Organizational Behavior (Micro-Individual)
Rack BB2 — Organizational Behavior (Meso-Groups and Teams)
Rack BB3 — Organizational Behavior (Macro-Org/System)
Rack BC — Contingency Theory
Rack BD — Organizational Design
Rack BG — Organizational Development and Change
Rack BH – Human Dimension – Culture, Climate, Identity
Rack BI — Institution Theory
Rack BL — Leadership Theories
Rack BM – Modern Management Theories
Rack BQ — Postmodern and Critical Theories
Anthropic. (2024). What are the major theoretical streams in institution theory. Claude (March 2024 version) [Large Language Model].
Bisultanova, A. (2023). The history of the institutionalism inception. SHS Web of Conferences, 172, 06007.
Boxenbaum, E., & Pedersen, J. S. (2009). Scandinavian institutionalism: A case of institutional work. In Institutional work: Actors and agency in institutional studies of organizations (pp. 178-204). Cambridge University Press.
Czarniawska, B. & Sevón, G. (eds.) (2003) The Northern Lights: Organization Theory in Scandinavia. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.
DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American sociological review, 48(2), 147-160.
Engwall, L. (1995) The Vikings vs. the world: an examination of Nordic business research. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, 1: 303–312.
Friedland, R., & Alford. R. R. (1991). Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. In Powell, W. W. & DiMaggio, P. J. (eds.), The new institutionalism in organizational analysis (pp. 232-266). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Garud, R., Hardy, C., Maguire, S. (2013). Institutional Entrepreneurship. In: Carayannis, E.G. (eds) Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer, New York, NY.
Holm, A. E., Decreton, B., Nell, P. C., & Klopf, P. (2017). The Dynamic Response Process to Conflicting Institutional Demands in MNC Subsidiaries: An Inductive Study in the Sub-Saharan African E-commerce Sector. Global Strategy Journal, 7(1), 104-124.
Hoogstraaten, M. J., Frenken, K., & Boon, W. P. (2020). The study of institutional entrepreneurship and its implications for transition studies. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 36, 114-136.
Kreiner, K. (2007) A Scandinavian way in organization theory: what is the evidence, and does evidence matter? Nordiske Organisasjionsstudier 9(1): 83–92.
Lawrence, P. R. & Lorsch, J. W. (1967). Organization and environment: Managing differentiation and integration. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Lawrence, P., & Lorsch, J. (1967). Differentiation and integration in complex systems, Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(1), 1-47.
Lawrence, T. B., & Suddaby, R. (2006). Institutions and institutional work (Vol. 2, pp. 215-254). In Clegg, S. R., Lawrence, T. B., & Hardy, C. (eds), The Sage handbook of organization studies. Sage.
Metcalf, H. C., & Urwick, L. (1943). Dynamic administration: The collected papers of Mary Parker Follett. Harper Brothers. Chapters 1, 3-5.
Pache, A. C., & Santos, F. (2010). When worlds collide: The internal dynamics of organizational responses to conflicting institutional demands. Academy of management review, 35(3), 455-476.
Sahlin-Andersson, K. & Söderholm, A. (2002) The Scandinavian school of studies. In Sahlin-Andersson, K. & Söderholm, A. (eds.), Beyond Project Management: New Perspectives on the Temporary–Permanent Dilemma. Malmö: Liber.
Scite. (2024). What are the major theoretical streams in institution theory; Where does deinstitutionalization fit in the streams of institution theory. Scite (April 2024 version) [Large Language Model].
Selznick, P. (1953). TVA and the grass roots: A study in the sociology of formal organization. Univ of California Press.
Thornton, P. H., & Ocasio, W. (2008). Institutional logics. The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism, 840(2008), 99-128.
Thornton, P. H., Ocasio, W., & Lounsbury, M. (2012). The institutional logics perspective: A new approach to culture, structure and process. OUP Oxford.
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Rack BI (Institution Theories): Old Institutionalism | New Institutionalism | Institutional Work | Institutional Logics | Scandinavian Institutions | World Society Theory
Aisle B (Major Theories): Classical Theories (BA) | Org. Behavior – Individual (BB1) | Org. Behavior – Groups & Teams (BB2) | Org. Behavior – Systems & Culture (BB3) | Contingency Theories (BC) | Org. Design (BD) | Org. Development & Change (BG) | Human Relations Theories (BH) | Institution Theories (BI) | Leadership Theories (BL) | Modern Management Perspectives (BM) | Postmodern & Critical Theories (BQ) | Sociological Perspectives (BS)
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